Hearing Health Now – sparking important conversations Posted: Friday, December 11, 2020 Author: Paolo Arru In his blog Paolo Arru, Vocal Project Manager, tells us about Hearing Health Now – a unique and innovative project which aims to spark more conversations around hearing health. Continue reading full article: Hearing Health Now – sparking important conversations
Public involvement and engagement in the COVID-19 crisis Posted: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 Author: Dr Emily Howlett Research across the globe is shifting gears at an extraordinary rate in an effort to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. In these exceptional times, how do we ensure the voices of patients and the public are heard? Continue reading full article: Public involvement and engagement in the COVID-19 crisis
Your Path in Research – BRC PhD student – Vicky Smith Posted: Friday, May 15, 2020 Author: Vicky Smith The NIHR Your Path in Research campaign supports health care professionals to get more involved in research. For Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, BRC PhD student Vicky Smith shares her work to improve care and treatments for patients with the disease. Continue reading full article: Your Path in Research – BRC PhD student – Vicky Smith
How do we know what newborn babies are hearing? Posted: Thursday, May 7, 2020 Author: Dr Anisa Visram For Deaf Awareness Week Dr Anisa Visram, Research Audiologist at Manchester BRC tells us how the ‘Ladies in the van’ project has been travelling the UK to meet the challenge of finding out how much impact hearing aids have on babies’ hearing. Continue reading full article: How do we know what newborn babies are hearing?
Hearing loss and dementia – correlation not cause Posted: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 Author: Dr Jenna Littlejohn On "World Hearing Day" Jenna Littlejohn provides a timely reminder of why and how Manchester BRC is investigating the links between hearing loss and dementia. Continue reading full article: Hearing loss and dementia – correlation not cause
Focus on childhood arthritis – Professor Wendy Thomson speaks to Arthritis Digest Posted: Thursday, February 6, 2020 Author: Professor Wendy Thomson In 2020, researchers within our adult and childhood arthritis programmes will be featured in every issue of Arthritis Digest , opening with Professor Wendy Thomson, our Programme Lead forInflammatory Arthritis in Children. Continue reading full article: Focus on childhood arthritis – Professor Wendy Thomson speaks to Arthritis Digest
How we are using data to address health inequalities in research Posted: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 Author: Gareth Adaway In the third blog in our ‘addressing health inequalities in research’ series, our Data Management Lead, Gareth Adaway, discusses the role data plays in our work. Continue reading full article: How we are using data to address health inequalities in research
Health inequalities in Greater Manchester – why they exist and what we are doing to address it Posted: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Author: Tracy Grey In the second blog in our ‘addressing health inequalities in research’ series, our Public Programmes Project Manager for Communities and Inclusion, Tracy Grey, discusses some of the health inequalities that persist in our Greater Manchester population and why. Continue reading full article: Health inequalities in Greater Manchester – why they exist and what we are doing to address it