NIHR | Manchester Biomedical Research Centre

Digital Infrastructure

The Digital Infrastructure (DI) programme is a key component of Manchester BRC’s core infrastructure. The DI team of research data engineers, statisticians, software engineers and wearables experts, provides support across four broad areas: access to data, software engineering, data science, and translation of health technologies to clinical practice.

1. Access to data from: population-based electronic health records, deep clinical phenotypes, the NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative (HIC)

Enabling access to electronic health records and other routinely collected NHS data from both primary care and Manchester BRC partner Trusts.

Greater Manchester Care Record (GMCR)

Greater Manchester Secure Data Environment (GM-SDE)

NHS Trust data

NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative (HIC)

FAIR Principles

2. Digital health software (DHS) engineering

The DHS is a team of highly experienced research software engineers and designers who work across a portfolio of digital health software projects. The team has strong capabilities in collecting and analysing patient generated health data for research using smartphones and wearable sensors to study rhythms of wellbeing and disease.

3. Access to data science expertise

We have several experienced data scientists and statisticians in our team, who can input into the design of analytical studies, and potentially assist with the analysis of complex datasets, for example electronic health records and wearable sensor data. Our focus is on methods for clinical outcome prediction, and the application of those methods to solve real-world health research questions. The group has expertise in statistical modelling methods, and we collaborate closely with other researchers from mathematics and computer science departments across the country.

4. Translational support via The Christabel Pankhurst Institute

The Digital Infrastructure team is hosted by the Pankhurst Institute for Health Technology Research and Innovation, working together with Manchester BRC on joint translational research activities and the development of health solutions that will benefit patients and address local healthcare needs across Greater Manchester.