NIHR | Manchester Biomedical Research Centre

New city-wide imaging strategy to aid advanced radiotherapy research

A new vision for imaging in Manchester will support the NIHR Manchester BRC Advanced Radiotherapy theme objectives.

Associate Theme Lead, Professor James O’Connor and Manchester Cancer Research Centre Director, Professor Rob Bristow, helped develop the recently approved ‘One Manchester Imaging’ vision and strategy.

The work, a collaboration between NHS trusts, industry and The University of Manchester, will future-proof and develop capacity across different aspects of imaging in the region.

It focuses on Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanning and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

This renewed impetus on imaging is important to our theme, particularly the Precision Radiotherapy programme. This work stream focuses on improving and individualising the precision of conventional and new radiotherapy approaches through better imaging, before and during treatment.

Professor O’Connor

Professor O’Connor is the clinical lead for imaging studies on the Precision Radiotherapy Programme.  He is also a Cancer Research UK Clinician Scientist Fellow in Radiology and Honorary Consultant Radiologist at The Christie.

Click here to read more about the ‘One Manchester Imaging’ plan.