NIHR | Manchester Biomedical Research Centre

A guide to clinical trials – Professor Ariane Herrick speaks to Arthritis Digest

Arthritis Digest is a magazine for people with arthritis that highlights the latest relevant research and reviews topical issues. Throughout 2020, researchers from Manchester BRC’s Musculoskeletal theme have contributed regular articles, with this latest one from Ariane Herrick, Professor of Rheumatology, giving an overview on how clinical trials work.

Clinical Trials – What are they and what happens when people get involved? Prof Ariane Herrick from the NIHR Manchester BRC reveals all.

Clinical trials are research studies that aim to decide if a proposed new treatment is effective and safe. The treatment is usually a drug but could be a medical device or an intervention such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy or acupuncture.

Major advances have been made in the treatment of arthritis and related conditions in recent years and we have much to thank clinical trials for. The development of biologic agents for rheumatoid arthritis and other types of arthritis would not have been possible without largescale clinical trials, often involving patients from many different countries.

Arthritis Digest Issue 6 2020 - What are clinical trials?

What does taking part involve?

Usually you will be approached by your rheumatologist (or other doctor) because your centre has agreed to take part in the trial, and because the rheumatologist thinks you might be suitable for recruitment into the trial.

The rheumatologist provides a brief introduction to the trial, either during a clinic visit or via a letter in the post.

If at this stage you feel you might be interested in taking part, you are given or sent a Patient Information Sheet describing the trial. The Patient Information Sheet can be quite lengthy because it has to describe the background to the trial, what taking part involves, and the possible risks and benefits of the treatment. If having read the Patient Information Sheet you would like to participate, you are invited to attend a screening visit.

The screening visit checks your suitability for the trial. This usually involves being asked questions, having a physical examination, and having some tests performed (for example blood tests). But before any of these are done, a consent form needs to be signed, stating that you agree to participate.

Arthritis Digest

If after the screening visit it is confirmed that you are eligible for the study, you will usually be invited to attend a number of further visits (as described in the Patient Information Sheet), but this very much depends on the nature of the trial. All trials are different.

Early and later phase studies

When a new treatment is being developed, there are several different phases in its development. Early phase clinical trials usually involve relatively small numbers of patients, often over a short time period for each patient. Later phase studies tend to include larger numbers of patients and often multiple centres are involved to allow enough patients to be recruited.

Risks and benefits

All treatments carry risks; researchers strive to find treatments for which the benefits outweigh the risks. If you agree to participate in a trial, the main risk is usually that you may experience side effects of the trial treatment. The doctor supervising the study will explain the possible risks of the treatment in question, which will also be summarised in the Patient Information Sheet.

All clinical trials go through appropriate regulatory approvals, including review by a Research Ethics Committee (REC). Safety is everyone’s main concern, and the trial would not be allowed to begin if it were not judged reasonable to do so.

During participation you will be very closely monitored and asked to report any new symptoms in case these represent a side effect of treatment.

There may well be no direct benefit to you of taking part in the trial, although it is of course possible that the trial treatment under investigation will be helpful. However, you are helping others by allowing doctors and scientists to explore new treatments, which may prove to be effective and safe. Many patients find the close monitoring, which is part of every clinical trial, reassuring.

True Story: Kat Dunnicliff

How long do clinical trials take?

From the perspective of duration of patient participation, this can be very short (especially in early phase trials). Later phase studies can involve treatment periods of months or even longer. A key point is that anyone participating in a clinical trial may withdraw from the trial at any point, without giving a reason. Participation is always completely voluntary.

The bottom line

Clinical trials allow effectiveness and safety of new treatments to be determined. If you are given the opportunity to participate, discuss what the clinical trial involves (including possible risks and benefits) with your doctor and family. Should you decide to get involved, you will be closely monitored throughout the process. And you will know that by participating, you are ultimately helping the journey of discovering safe and effective new treatments.

I undertook the trial as I believe that those of us with rare diseases need to assist medical science, and to help develop new treatments.

True Story: Yvonne McKenna
