Dermatology researchers take part in Science Spectacular 2017
FREE, drop in event for all the family: Saturday, 21 October 2017 (11am-4pm), Whitworth Hall and Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester.
Dermatology researchers are joining scientists from across The University of Manchester at Science Spectacular on Saturday 21 October 2017, for a fun-filled day of challenges, experiments and interactive demonstrations.
Members from the BRC’s Dermatology Theme are hosting a stand called the beauty of skin. Visitors will be able to take part in a range of activities such as; exploring fingerprint patterns in microscopic detail and seeing the power of the sun’s rays with glowing beads. Families will also be able to make the invisible-visible with a state-of-the-art facial imaging booth to see what affect the sun has on the skin.
The beauty of skin stand is just one of more than 40 interactive science activities on offer, in what is an event for all the family. What’s more, they’ll also be the opportunity to chat with scientists and engineers behind some of the world’s greatest discoveries.

There will be all sorts of activities suitable for children of all ages, including face painting and lucky science dips, and there’s plenty to keep adults entertained too. And be sure to look out for science buskers along Oxford Rd who will be on hand to welcome, entertain, and inspire you.
It had it all: fun, factual learning, accessible education, hands-on experiences... and lots of rewards for the kids.
Visitors from last year’s event